Magenta: "Pardon me, sir... You must be Harmony's... that is, Chan's grandfather? I didn't know you were invited..."

White: "Mind your words, Captain!"



White: "Between these sleeves and this blasted mustache, it'll be a miracle if I can get to eat or drink ANYTHING at this party!"



Colonel White appears at the door where the party is in full swing

Ochre (nearest the door): "Gee, sorry, sir, didn't mean to wake you up with all the noise."

White: "Don't be impertinent Captain, this is my party costume, not my dressing gown!"


Colonel White: "You'll be calling me Ming the Merciless if I hear a single crack about wearing a dress!"




Rhapsody whispering to Symphony and nodding in the direction of White: "So that's where the tea cosy went..."