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PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 11:34 pm
by Captain Indigo
Whoops :oops:

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 11:47 pm
by hazel
A friendly word of warning - discussions on birthdays don't belong on this thread, guys.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 11:50 pm
by Captain Indigo
Sorry :oops:. I guess we did get a bit off-topic there...

Please don't send the Mysterons after us!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:28 pm
by Steven
Bah no Captain Grey on the official site, is he in the CGI series?
I will be very disappointed if he isn't.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:08 am
by Marion
There is apparantly a Captain Grey - a bagpipe playing Scotsman - as far as we can tell. Not Bradley Holden at any rate! :?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:59 am
by Captain Indigo
Ian Taggart, by all accounts.

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 4:45 am
by Elentari
I loved the Mysteron city but it looks like they had a few electrical problems (probably too much red dust getting into the circuits). Black was great when a baddie - menacing but with a touch of irony in his tone. Nice evil expression too. Way too much angst from Destiny though - pity she didn’t stay resigned from Spectrum. That scene between Blue and Scarlet - truly awful. I wish I could forget that ‘you are a damn Mysteron’ comment from Blue but I fear it is going to say in my mind, rather like an irritating advertising jingle that won’t go away. :cry:

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 4:14 pm
by Marcus
Part one was disappointing - a retread of 'The Mysterons', but Scarlet seemed like he was under Mysteron control for all of 5 minutes with a half hearted effort to detroy Skybase. Kidnapping the World President had far more impact and the Captain Brown incident really built up the tension to the CS kidnap - this didn't happen here. They would have been better sticking to the original story. You had a least half the episode in 'The Mysterons' wondering what the hell was going on and what was Scarlet going to do?

The second episode more than made up for it - just when you thought they might tone down the violence, some gruesome deaths remind you of how dark the original CS was. The pace was relentless and the Angel air to air combat and the tension build up was great. I did like the fact Captain Blue was unsure of Scarlet - in the original, apart from a few seconds of uneasy silence when they take off in the Spectrum jet in 'Winged Assassin' (AKA The Angels Can't Hit A Massive Jet) you didn't get a sense of this at all. Conclusion was slightly unsatisfactory however, would CS' method really have stopped the explosion? :?

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 4:19 am
by Doc Denim
Greetings all:

Have been trying to get at this for at least two weeks (real life has been a major nuisance lately) but seeing as the series is going to air again, I thought I might kick out a few things for those tuning in to consider...

To reiterate briefly, I have only seen the first 7 episodes, and only had the opportunity to re-watch the first 3 (Instument of Destruction 1 & 2 and Swarm) and I wasn't overly impressed with either. And it's not the CGI, it's mostly the stories and what I find as a lack of plausibility in them. (Yes, I have said it before, I am a bear for plausibility. And I will also admit right now, that as a non-member of the target audience, the majority of the things that bother me aren't likely to even occur to those that are. Personal opinions here only, feel free to disagree, I don't mind....) For the sake of brevity, I will just put down a few thoughts and observations in point form:

- I must say I did Like Colonel White - he's the closest I've seen as yet to something out of the classic series. He has the only voice that hasn't annoyed me.
- Early 'introductory' views of Captain Scarlet made me want to crawl under the desk. Dreadful haircut, horrible voice - I miss the original. Am still dismayed that he went to Mars at all and still feel that it robs the character of any innocence about what started the war - which certainly didn't take very long to get going, did it? Black didn't seem horribly remorseful about having destroyed an alien city/civilization....seems he just sort of shrugged it off...sorry about that, can't imagine what made me do it....
- have to agree with a point Carrie made early on: though they claim to abhor violence, these new Mysterons certainly aren't wasting much time making up for lost ground
- first shots of Angel aircraft - nicely rendered, spiff tech and all - but do they always fly five at a time? And is there another back-up crew to defend Skybase in their absence? Tho, I must also say that the cockpit seats look uncomfortable, and remind me more of tanning beds under the canopy than anything else.
-speaking of Skybase - not nearly so sleek as Cloudbase - looks rather like an old boot to me. Interior scenery all seems to have been borrowed from Ridley Scott Aliens.
- have to agree on this point with Marcus, too - Scarlet's 'evil' deeds seem a bit half-hearted - and how, I do wonder, does that plasma stream keep on running after that sort of an interruption and obviously violated containment tube?
- what was up with the gyro-interrogation wheel thingy? doesn't strike me as a very 'spectrum' thing to have about
- I don't dislike Dr. Gold, really. (Though I'm sure Fawn could have done just as nicely.) so far I think he's one of my fave characters, even if I disagree 100% that retrometabolism is genetic. (Genetics works on a molecular level, not a sub-atomic one. I'd like to know the operatiing specifics of this proposed retrometabolic mechanism.)
- Scarlet's escape: I'm really trying to figure out why there are no apparent airlocks anyplace on Skybase and what it is that holds the pressure in when Scarlet opens the door to jump out - which struck me as pretty silly - especially as he manages to land miraculously right on top of a Spectrum transport hiding hole. (No, I did not believe this, not for a single second.)
- seems Blue really just 'forgot' that he was trying to apprehend Scarlet a tad too quickly in the cemetary - focus, Captain, focus! and stick to the job at hand!
- couldn't help but wonder what happened to Scarlet's flying bike-thing when he jumped through the window to save Colonel White - how many members of the audience did it injure?
- also couldn't help but notice that for all the appearance of armour to the new uniforms, they don't seem to stop bullets any better than the old ones.
- theft and transport of radioactive material; am I reading this wrong or does it seem to be left up to the trucking company to take care of nuclear waste?
- "just stay out of his mirrors" This had me in stitches! LOL!
- and the Grand Finale - once more, Marcus has asked the correct question: would it work? And for this I will go into a bit more depth, because, as the big climax of the opening storyline, I thought if left a bit to be desired:

I had trouble (again) believing that the upcoming end-of-the-world explosion would be capable of breaking the world in two. I got the impression Black meant that literally. For one thing - the 'bomb' was sitting right on the surface and any blast would have been largely directed upwards as a consequence - yes, it probably would have ripped off half the atmosphere and contaminated a good deal of the rest - but split open 8000 miles of planet right through? I doubt it very much. (for me, it was the whole Space 1999 bad-premise all over again, sorry)

and then:

IF that were so - then WHERE did Black think he was Going in his Russian Tank-Taxicab with a scarce 10 minutes before detonation? Indeed, why bother going anywhere - he should have just stayed put and chatted things up with Scarlet, ensuring that Scarlet didn't escape to foil his plot - he could have taken the opportunity to shoot Scarlet too, of course - because the Russian Tank-Taxicab surely wouldn't have been enough to protect Black-the-Mysteron (whose job would have been done afterwards in any case - now that's unemployment!) from an explosion of the colossal magnitude he'd just boasted to Scarlet all about. Ditto as to why would the Russian Tank bother to engage the Rhino at all for the very same reason? Let alone allow itself to be lured onto thin ice where (despite Scarlet's statement that nothing could touch one of those things) it turns out to possess sufficient sieve-like properties to flood completely enough (in just 14 seconds!) to short out Black's detonation device and save the world with all of 6 whole seconds to spare. Are we to believe that this was Scarlet's Plan? (To my mind, a long shot that almost makes the classic Concord Base scenario look like a sure bet.)

And I'm afraid that's all the time I have to blather today - happy to debate it all next time! Have fun!

Doc Denim

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 2:24 am
by Doc Denim
Just a little something I ran across, so long as we are contemplating the Destruction of the Planet.... ... th_mp.html

Number 7 seemed rather relevant to me....

Doc Denim

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 4:03 am
by theMysterons



PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 5:31 pm
by Marion
Hi, Doc Denim... I have just watched the CITV re-runs of IoD pt2 and I have to agree the whole thing about the Druznik and the SPV - sorry Rhino, is it now? - was a little pointless. Why would Black leave the bomb site and why bother chasing the Spectrum guys in the SPV - even if they'd known Scarlet was in it?
And you are quite right - that impregnable tank (the Unitron, anyone?) was certainly not water-proof - maybe it was only designed to run on dry land when the sun was shining... :wink: We can only assume Scarlet had insider knowledge of this design fault and made good use of it.
Destiny ought to have been busted down to the rank beneath the Launch-bot for being so rude to a Russian General at the UN - even if Colonel White refused her resignation. The Angels might well need their leader - as White reasoned - but they could do without one who flounces about like Destiny does.


PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 3:42 pm
by chrisbishop
A while ago, I promised that I will give my own opinion on the new CGI Captain Scarlet TV series. Well, I have seen the first episodes now (generously lent to me by a friend from England). Now, I can discuss it, knowing what it’s all about.

So on this first post, I’ll give you the PROS and CONS of the series so far, then PROS and CONS of the first episode, and then of each episode, as I go along. You will see, and I must put the emphasis on this before starting, that I didn’t dislike the series at all – on the contrary, I found it interesting, and the CGI animation was a blast, as it was promised by the numerous reports we had over the last months – if not years. However, there are a few flaws and let downs, and if I am honest with myself – and you – I have to use my critical eye as well as my fan eye to give you my complete, honest views of what I think of this new series.

I also can’t help myself from comparing this new series to the classic one. Okay, I do know there are flaws in Classic Captain Scarlet too, which will be why I will also compare the good points of New Captain Scarlet against the bad points of its predecessor.

GENERAL PROS AND CONS (which may change during the viewing process):

Note that the general pros and cons apply to ALL the episodes of the series. These observations are to be added to the pros and cons for each individual episode.


- The whole concept of doing it in CGI – face it, any fans and/or viewer have to agree that the animation of characters, vehicles, craft, background, action scenes, explosions, is, simply put, stunning. Aside from a few obvious technical problems, and flaws (some of them barely noticeable, others more obvious), the whole operation should be hailed as a honest success.

- Vehicles and craft updates. We came a long way since 1968, and although some of the stuff in the original series was visionary, I have to admit the upgrading of both vehicles and craft are welcomed. There is enough resemblance with the originals to represent a faithful tribute to them. I miss the original Cloudbase (and I still prefer the name) but I appreciate the practical aspect of the new Skybase. The Angels craft are beautiful and the flying formations scenes are very realistic. The Rhino is a great improvement to the SPV and I like the new flying capacity of the patrol car (now called Cheetah). Speaking of which, I have to put on the side of the CONS the use of animal names for those vehicles and craft… Maybe it’s only nostalgia, mind you.

- Liberty of movement – Yes, the characters are free to run, jump, express facial emotions, fight, etc. without the hindrance of wires and carved wooden faces! This is indeed a big plus. And although the special effects of its time were regarded as extraordinary for Classic Captain Scarlet – and are still regarded as highly to this day – CGI gives more latitude and possibility to animate action sequences (like an aerial dog fight, for example).

- Budding romance between Scarlet and Destiny. Now that’s a twist that will be interesting to explore… If only Destiny will lose her ‘damsel in distress’ attitude.


- Changes in the characters. I never made it a secret, I was wary of this. When you are a long-time fan like me, you can’t HELP but compare the new characters to the original ones. Although, I have to admit, in the first episodes, most of those changes announced in the supporting cast are not really noticeable. They would even have escaped notice for a long time, if there had not been so much info about it from mags and websites before the series started airing. There are, however, a few changes in the ‘leading characters’, starting with the characters we will call ‘the big three’. Scarlet still seems like Scarlet, except for the absence of an English accent – or rather an accent which comes and goes through the course of the episodes. The official site gave him an American/British nationality, which is a sad thing, in comparison to the pure English character of the classic series. Blue is completely different. He’s not the loveable character of the original series, the loyal friend and partner of Scarlet. Here we have a gung-ho soldier acting like a bulldozer and rushing head first into action before thinking – a far cry from the poised, original Blue. At this moment of viewing, Colonel White is rather the same as in the original series, so thus far, that doesn’t qualify as ‘cons’. Destiny doesn’t seem like the perfect leader the Angels would deserve (despite White’s observation in episode 2) – and is rather playing the role of ‘damsel in distress’ instead of the fearless fighter pilot she’s supposed to be.

The most noticeable change in a character would be Lieutenant Green, and if at first I was a little appalled that they would change the loveable Seymour Griffith into a woman, I have to admit that it wasn’t such a bad idea and that the character is rapidly growing to me. Will the same be said for the other, leading characters, and lesser known characters? Time will tell. We haven’t got to see the supporting cast that much so far, so the CONS about it would probably be to blame the marketing move to give information on those new characters too early. If would have been better to wait and let the information sink in, perhaps. So far, considering the episodes I have seen, I can’t even say I see a difference between those I knew of the original series and these new ones. Even the Angels, except from moving the names around amongst them – don’t feel that different, so, so far, I don’t mind. Except I miss the obvious romance, hinted at in the original series, between Blue and Symphony Angel… something I would have liked to see pursued in the new series!

- Viewing order. For someone who checks this carefully, it is obvious that the viewing order is not the same as in the production order – or even what we could call the ‘story order’. That could cause a hindrance when a common subplot between various episodes appears in the course of the series. Like when White mentioned the bugs in Swarm as having been stolen ‘months ago’, when the episode he was referring too was viewed just the week before. But this was a common mistake with the original series too. The upcoming DVD set, and future airings of the show in the later years might put this to right eventually. We shall see.

- Plot holes. Unfortunately, some episodes do have obvious plot holes that might have been caused by either cut scenes in the editing room – or cut scenes from the TV viewing. Or maybe the script weren’t that thought of for certain episodes. Of course, it could always be pointed out that it was the same with some of the classic episodes - To that there is little to argue!

- Mysterons weekly threats – Mysterons Voice. I think it was a mistake to have removed the format of the weekly threat pronounced by the Mysterons. When they were announcing a target, they were giving the Earthmen a message similar to ‘here is what we’re going to do – now you know, but you’re so pathetic, and we’re so powerful, you won’t be able to stop us. But we’d like to see you try’. That gave to the viewers the impressions that the Mysterons really are the all-powerful brings they claim to be and not any ordinary Earth-based terrorist group. It is not the case here. They seem to strike at every given opportunity, without careful and crafty planning. Plus, I miss the terrible and frightening Voice of the Mysterons (which we don’t hear that much now). On the more practical side of this – the weekly threats – although formulaic – were giving a certain ‘workframe’ for the script to develop within in the classic series. It would seem that the new series doesn’t work with such a workframe.

General Pros and Cons might be added to this list in the future postings. But right now it is time to give my review of Episode 1.



- The Mysteron city. Big PROS – MUCH of an improvement to the pinball-looking complex of the original series. An A+ to whoever put this vision on to film…

- Stallion Raid Bike. It is exhilarating to imagine such a vehicle jump from Cloudbase – and then be used in a pursuit on the ground. However unlikely the concept might be!

- Manifestation of Mysteron powers through eyes – I like the green glow.

- Blue’s attitude towards Scarlet after de-mysteronisation. This was something that had not been tackled in the original series, unfortunately, and it is quite likely that Spectrum would feel rather suspicious of Scarlet after what he attempted. Blue more than the others, since he had been the one on the front line to witness Scarlet’s actions.

- The relationship between Black and Destiny – it has a lot of possibilities for drama.

- Multicolored parachutes – okay, a small detail, but, well, quite fitting.

- The plotline. Although obviously an interesting one, it has huge holes in it, and would have been better served with a few reviewing (That’s the writer critic in me, I’m afraid). This is a quick succession of action scenes, which in themselves are not a bad thing, but, I fear, that doesn’t give time for the story to built up a proper suspense – You don’t have time to assimilate what is going on (or?) that something else is happening. Scarlet was under Mysteron control for a grand total of what, five minutes in the show? That wasn’t enough to build the tension and the emotions viewers would feel for the hero’s predicament; compare it with the pilot of the original series where, for almost all of the episode, he was under total control of the Mysterons. And let’s face it, attacking Cloudbase might not have the same dramatic impact as kidnapping the World President.

- The Mysteron encounter – sorry, but is it me, or does it seem that the Mysterons actually fired first and that Captain Black only destroyed what looked exactly like a missile – which then exploded and destroyed the Mysteron complex? It is not as obvious as in the original episode that the Mysterons intended ‘welcoming’ or ‘scanning’ the visitors. Especially if you are a first-time viewer and didn’t see the original. In that case that would make the Mysterons the aggressors, in this instance. We seem to have confirmation of that when they say that they ‘had been watching us for a long time and had been disgusted by our violence.’ In 1968, humans playing the part of the aggressors (although by mistake) towards an alien race was an original and almost unique variation of the genre – and has been hailed as such. Sadly, this is something we don’t seem to have here.

- What is that gyroscope thing Scarlet was trapped into after he regained his freedom from Mysteron control? Was it a device created to help him to remember what happened (assuming he doesn’t remember – and that we don’t know) or a torture device to make him talk? It does look suspiciously like a torture device – if so, was the message sent to children that it’s okay for the good guys to torture to learn the truth?

- SPC (Sorry, Cheetah) hidden under a henge… Historic societies would have a fit, I believe, if this was done to a real henge. So we have to suppose it is a false one. which is going to need some explaining, and isn’t exactly being inconspicuous… That scene also enters into the category of plot holes: what are the odds against Skybase actually hovering over the exact spot where a Cheetah is hidden? And what are the odds of Scarlet, after jumping from a height of 60,000 feet (through what looks like an emergency hatch – depressurization, people?) of actually landing so close by?

RATING NUMBER: 5/10 – Because it’s the first one and the CGI process was excellent – but the story is a bit of a let down, and I can’t help myself comparing it to the original pilot. If I had not seen that classic episode, perhaps 6/10.

NEXT TIME: Instrument of Destruction, Part 2.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:46 pm
by Father Unwin
Chris, I am looking forward to reading your detailed reviews of the other episodes, particularly IOD2, Rat Trap, Circles of Doom and Trap for a Rhino.

In retrospect I would like to upgrade my rating of Rat Trap to 9/10 (my second favourite behind Trap for a Rhino). These were the 2 episodes which really made the hair stand up on the back of my neck!

Things have gone a bit quiet as far as posts on the CGI front are concerned and I am suffering from withdrawal symptoms. I think it would be therapeutic to see the episodes through your eyes, as it were.

Incidentally, it is not clear to me what will be shown on UK TV in the Autumn - do you think it will be all 26 episodes or just the last 13. On a similar tack, I wonder if the DVD will be 13 or 26 episodes.

I have also heard that the BBC might be screening classic Captain Scarlet this Autumn so I wonder how that will sit with a new young audience. Will they be hastling their parents for 2 sets of toys - CGI and classic?! :D

Finally, there was also talk of a computer game but I have heard nothing lately. If there is one I hope it will be available on the PC.


PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:26 am
by Kambei
Chris, I've said this one before. How many car bombers/suicide bombers/terrorists actually call the security services and say: "i say old chap, I have put 100 pounds of semtex in a car and one of my colleagues is going to drive it at the American embassy in four hours time. Be a good chap and evacuate the area!"?
These mysterons are not out to tease humans, they are out for revenge. They are not going to give clues. They are also far more destructive than the original mysterons. Some of their schemes would cause real mass destruction and enormous loss of life. Take the crop circles story, for example. The field affected anything electrical. Anyone on life support in any hospital in the area would be in danger. Civilian airliners would be affected.
They also seem to be targeting Spectrum on a regular basis. However, they do not seem to be very competent as terrorists. The easiest way to destroy Skybase would be to alter one of the transport helos that carries the Rhinos and explode it when it got back to Skybase.