Original series Suitable for all readersAction-oriented/low level of violence

Christmas Terror

by Lee Homer

Disclaimer: All rights reserved. This is a continuation of my original Captain Scarlet and Thunderbirds crossover. This story is an amalgamation of the Thunderbirds episode “Trapped In The Sky” and Captain Scarlet's “Flight 104”.

Chapter Two

Thunderbird One raced ahead towards London International Airport. After being made aware that the airport had no idea of what was going on, Scott radioed the Tower on an emergency channel.

London Airport sat quietly when the call came through. Up in the Tower, Commander Norton observed the hazy surroundings when his operator broke him from his trance-like state.

"Sir, we've received a call from International Rescue. They say it's urgent."

The commander was puzzled by this. "International Rescue? Put them through."

"Yes sir," the operator replied. "The channel is open for you."

The Commander picked up his microphone. "This is London Tower control. We read you loud and clear."

"This is International Rescue. In approximately twenty-five minutes from now, Fireflash Five will make its approach towards your position. She is currently damaged from multiple system failures which include the radio, stabilizers, and landing gear," Scott replied. "To affect a rescue, we'll require access to a clear runway. I'll be coming in to land in ten minutes."

Both the commander and operator stared at each other. "Roger, International Rescue. You're cleared to use Runway Two Seven. We'll shut down the area for your arrival."

"FAB. Thank you, London Tower. Thunderbird One out."

The commander turned to his operative. "Well, don't just sit there. You heard the man. Seal the airport."

"Yes, sir."

As Thunderbird One touched down in front of the Control Tower, Scott passed his next set of instructions on to Penelope. Tensions were riding high up in on the flight deck as Paul and Adam struggled to keep the aircraft on an even keel. Every minute brought them closer to the airport. The steady rising radiation meter added to the intensity.

"Damn it! I've lost control of the left stabilizer again," Adam groaned. "We can't keep her flying for much longer."

"We have to keep going. We're almost there," Paul replied. "As long as the engines are still running, we'll be fine."

Penelope stood silently behind them when her compact beeped. She flipped open the screen to see Scott's face staring back at her.

"Mobile Control to Lady Penelope. Can you hear me?" he asked her.

"I read you loud and clear," Penelope replied. "We're now ten minutes away from London Airport and the situation has gotten worse since."

"How so?"

"The radiation count is climbing. We'll be exposed to a lethal amount any time soon," Penelope explained. “We're doing the best we can up here."

"Well, hang on tight. Control has cleared Runway Two Seven for you. Descend to ten thousand feet and then wait for our signal. Thunderbird Two is on her way."

"FAB," Penelope acknowledged as she turned to Paul. "Did you get that?"

"Yes. Descending to ten thousand feet," Paul replied as he gently lowered the nose. "I have an idea. Adam, before we land, I want you to go back and help the passengers. Penelope, I'll need you here. Your compact is our way of contacting the tower."

"S.I.G.," Adam complied. "I'll head back there now. Good luck."

Penelope sat down in the co-pilot's seat, keeping her compact open. She studied the look on Paul's face. She admired his calm approach to the situation. She had no idea that he was Spectrum's greatest asset: an indestructible man.

Their visibility decayed around them as they entered a thick layer of cloud. They were now crossing the British coastline. Time was running out.

Thunderbird Two finally arrived at the airport, touching down alongside Thunderbird One. Virgil prepared the elevator cars as his Thunderbird rose on its 4 stanchion legs. With the flick of a switch, the pop flap lowered. One by one, the three Elevator cars rumbled out of the pod. Virgil drove the lead car while the other two followed him by a remote radio beam. He had just minutes to line them up in position as Fireflash appeared on the Tower's radar screen.

"Mobile control from Thunderbird Two. I'm all set and ready, Scott," he said.

"FAB, Virgil. Fireflash should be approaching you any minute now," Scott replied.

In the Control Tower, everybody fixed their eyes on the radar screen. Fireflash was banking for her final approach.

Scott gave Penelope the signal: "Mobile Control to Fireflash. Prepare for your final approach."

Gripping the wheel, Paul lined the plane up with the runway. They could see the three elevator cars waiting for them below. Penelope watched their rate of descent as the three cars began to race on ahead.

Inside the lead vehicle, Virgil put his foot on the pedal. He programmed the other cars to follow him at a set distance, maintaining it as they went.

The Fireflash continued its rate of descent. Paul kept the nose steady.

Virgil radioed the Fireflash. "Penelope, can you hear me? This is Virgil. On my mark, cut your engines and I'll take the weight."

"FAB," Penelope acknowledged.

Paul steadily lined the Fireflash over the three elevator cars. He waited until the very last second when suddenly, he was hit by another small explosion. Penelope leaned over towards him.

"Paul, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm alright," Paul replied as blood ran down his face. "I think that was the last of our stabilizers."

Penelope used her handkerchief to wipe the blood from his face when Virgil chimed in with the signal.

"Fireflash, cut your engines... now!"

Paul cut the power, dropping the 1,806-ton aircraft onto the three elevator cars. Virgil took the strain underneath as he wrestled to keep his vehicle under control. He threw on the breaks, causing the vehicles to lock up. The wheels began to melt underneath him. It seemed evident that he couldn't stop the aircraft all by himself.

Virgil signalled the Fireflash again. "Fireflash, hit your retros now!"

Paul complied and switched them on. The retro rockets roared to life, which eased the stress on Virgil the elevator cars. Despite his injury, Paul battled with the controls when his retro-rockets finally ceased. There was nothing more he could do except to tell Penelope to brace herself.

Sparks began to fly from Virgil's elevator car. He thought he could control it until one of the wheels burst beneath him. The shock wave rocked his car violently.

Just then, as things couldn't get any worse, he lost all control of the third elevator car. He watched on in horror as the car skidded out of control, colliding with a maintenance truck. This left Fireflash's left undercarriage skidding along the tarmac. Sparks flew everywhere. Virgil knew he was next to go unless he could stop the plane.

"I can't take too much of this punishment," he said. "Applying maximum brakes!"

There was nothing more he could do. Virgil had found himself in the same predicament as the Fireflash. His controls no longer responded. Alarm bells racked his brain. Scott urged him to bail out, but Virgil refused.

They were now approaching the end of the runway. Everybody hoped for a miracle. Inside the smoking flight deck,

Penelope clung on to Paul as tight as she could.

"Paul. Thank you for everything you've done here today," she said as she planted a kiss on his cheek.

Paul remained motionless. He had lost all consciousness due to the amount of blood that he had lost.

As death approached them, Penelope felt the plane began to slow down. Fireflash had lost its momentum. In a last act of bravery, she pulled the nose back as hard as she can.

The aircraft slipped off of the elevator car and collided with the ground. The resulting impact sent Virgil’s elevator car careening out of control. It tumbled across the runway and into a hangar.

Slamming on the brakes, Penelope eventually brought the aircraft to a grinding halt. It was all over in a matter of seconds. She sat there in complete disbelief as Adam entered the flight deck.

"Are you alright?" he asked as he checked her over for any injuries.

Penelope assured him she was alright. "Yes. I'm okay, but... but Paul…"

Adam lifted Paul out of the pilot seat. "He'll be alright. He'll recover as soon as we get him back to Cloudbase. Come on. We've got to get everyone out of here."

A volley of emergency vehicles surrounded the aircraft. Emergency crews helped evacuate the passengers safely. Penelope dispersed with the crowd. Her first instinct was to check on Virgil. She witnessed his tumble across the runway and couldn't just leave him there. She called up to Scott at Mobile Control, informing him of the situation.

"Scott, I'm clear. I'm alright. I'm going to check on Virgil though. He took quite the tumble," she said.

"FAB. I'm on my way," Scott acknowledged.

When Penelope arrived at the scene, her heart dropped at the sight of a wrecked elevator car. The hatchway popped open in front of her. She watched as Virgil climbed out of the vehicle amongst a thick plume of electrical smoke. She ran over to help as he hobbled over towards her. Apart from sporting a few bruises and a bloody nose, he was alright and able to walk.

"Virgil. Are you alright?" she asked him.

Virgil placed his arm around her. "I'm alright, thanks. Merry Christmas. Let's get out of here."

Meanwhile, Adam made his report to Cloudbase. He was now waiting for a Spectrum Helicopter to arrive so they could whisk himself and Paul to Cloudbase. He sat there with Commander Norton in the Control Tower, while he discussed his new findings over coffee.

"I've just received an update from Spectrum," he said. "They're dispatching a helicopter right now. Captain Scarlet was right. The Mysterons had taken over the Fireflash before she left New York."

The Commander found it hard to believe. "I don't understand. I thought The Mysterons announced a threat before they made it?"

"They usually do, but I guess that they wanted to catch us off guard this time. We think that the Mysterons were going to weaponize the Fireflash. Unfortunately, we don't know what their purpose was. I don't think we'll ever know."

They sat there and watched on as the two Thunderbirds launched in front of their eyes. It wouldn't be long before their ride would be there. The operator informed them of their helicopter’s arrival.

"Sir, the Spectrum Helicopter has arrived. He's requesting permission to land."

"Tell him to land on pad Four," The commander replied. "Well, Captain Blue. I guess this is goodbye. However, I must know something. Will Captain Scarlet recover?"

"Captain Scarlet will recover," Adam replied as he turned to leave. "It's hard to explain, but he'll return to active duty sooner than you'll think. So long, Commander Norton. Have yourself a Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Captain."

Christmas Eve finally fell upon the Tracy household. The family had enjoyed a day of festivities. Penelope and Parker joined them for the holidays since she felt that it was needed after the ordeal.

Virgil recovered from his scrape. He sat at his piano playing away contently when Penelope called the family over for an announcement. Everybody gathered around her in the lounge when she broke the news:

"I've just had a call from the World President regarding our appeal for support. He's happily accepted it," she said with a smile. "He said that International Rescue played a pivotal role in the war and that he couldn't afford to let our organization fall into disrepair. Congress agreed with him."

"That's terrific news!" Alan said.

"Yes! Finally, we can get that money to upgrade our equipment. That's made my Christmas!" Scott added.

"Mine too," Jeff agreed. "I knew they would see reason. Hopefully, we'll be able to make the upgrades in the new year. Right now, though, we should all enjoy ourselves. You've all earned the respite after the incident with the Fireflash."

"Should we sing some carols for a while?" Gordon suggested.

"No, let's see what's on TV," Jeff replied. "I think A Christmas Carol is on."

"Alright, I'll get the eggnog!"

"Race you, Gordon!" teased Alan.

As the family settled down in front of the film, a very different night was on the cards for Spectrum's Cloudbase. They didn't have the luxury as the Tracys had. Cloudbase had to be fully manned all through the year.

Captain Scarlet sat there in the observation deck as he recovered from his injuries. Captain Blue accompanied him, bringing him a cup of coffee.

"How are you feeling, Paul?" he asked his friend.

"I feel great," Scarlet replied. "It's the Mysterons that are bugging me."

"I know what you mean," Blue said as he sipped his coffee. "Why did they try to hijack a civilian airliner without a real motive? It makes no sense to me."

"I don't know," Scarlet replied. "The real question is, how will we be able to prevent this sort of thing from happening again? We've discovered that the Mysterons are no longer picking targets at random. They've discovered their lust for mindless mayhem just because they have the power at their disposal. Whatever they plan to do next, I just hope that we'll be able to take the fight to them. Perhaps someday soon."


Back to chapter 1




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