Original series Suitable for all readersMedium level of violenceImplied adult situations


This story takes place approximately a year after the War of Nerves started, and shortly before Captain Scarlet and Rhapsody Angel became a couple.


(*** Implied adult situation Implied adult situations
 contained in chapter 9.)



Murky Waters


A “Captain Scarlet & the Mysterons” story

By Chris Bishop




a year after the War of Nerves started, shortly before Captain Scarlet and Rhapsody Angel became a couple.  Captain Scarlet and Rhapsody Angel are sent on assignment in Devil's Bayou, in Louisiana, where  they will become isolated from the rest of Spectrum and in deadly danger, when the Mysterons will pronounce their newest threat. Multi-part story.  ff 320



COMPLETE - Last part posted December 31, 2013






When I started this story in 2007, I knew exactly where it was going, and how I should go there.  Unfortunately, due to real life getting in the way, and of the sudden lack of inspiration for some details of the story, I was unable to finish it within the amount of time I gave myself in order to write it.


As time went by, people who had started reading it were growing concerned that I might never finish it, despite my assurance that I eventually would.  But still, despite returning to it often over the years, and bring it up to eight chapters three years after starting it, I still couldn’t find the needed impetus to complete it.


The truth, I came to realise over time, was that I had written myself into a corner… especially with those last lines in chapter 8, written in 2010, and I couldn’t find a way out of it in a believable fashion.  Surely, there was something in the story that might help me get out of that corner.  And perhaps, there were some key plot points that I could used for that. If it meant rewriting the ending of that last chapter, then it was probably what I needed to do as well.


So at the start of 2013, with the encouragement of friends, who wanted to see this story finished, finally deciding to complete ‘Murky Waters’ and put it to rest once and for all, I re-examined the story from the beginning.  It had been so long since I wrote it, it was as if I was reading the story with new eyes.  I found my needed plot points, as well as a few plot holes within the earlier chapters, and still with my original ending in mind, I decided to fill those holes and rewrite some minor details, so that the story will be, at least I hoped, a better reading. 


It must have been that I wasn’t truly satisfied with the earlier version, because as soon as I made those most needed modifications, the old ideas came flooding in, along with new ones, and I took the opportunity to write them into the already existing story… Not so much as to change most of it, but to give more details to what was going on.  The ending of Chapter 8 changed as well, and the dynamic of the story changed as well. Only then, was I able to continue writing this story.


It is now competed, dusted and done, with the epilogue finally posted.


All my thanks go to all those who encouraged me to complete this story which had taken six-years to complete:  Hazel Köhler, Marion Woods, Christine Featonby, Clya Brown, Caroline Smith, Lezli Farrington, Mary J. Rudy, and all those who contacted me through the years, requesting to see the end of the story, be it by emails or on the forum – your support has been much appreciated, believe me.  That meant that people wanted to read this story.


I also want to thank my beta-reader, Hazel Köhler, for her long-suffering patience over the years, waiting for the next chapter to be ready, and for her always wonderful job.


I also want to extend my thanks to the late Gerry Anderson, who shared the by-line for ‘Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons’ with his former wife Sylvia, and many others who contributed to the creation of this wonderful series.  Gerry passed away in December 2012, but as far as I am concerned, he had achieved a form of immortality, by leaving behind a wonderful heritage that continues to live on into the imagination of countless fans.  


The rights of  ‘Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons’ are not mine. I acknowledge that they belong to others.  I just borrowed the characters and the concept to play with.


Chris Bishop

December 2013




  • CHAPTER 1 - Originally posted June 24, 2007 - reposted March 3, 2013

  • CHAPTER 2 - Posted July 22, 2007 - reposted March 3, 2013

  • CHAPTER 3 - Originally posted April 26, 2008 - reposted March 12, 2013

  • CHAPTER 4 - Originally posted June 18, 2008 - reposted March 17, 2013

  • CHAPTER 5 - Originally posted August 2, 2009 - reposted March 28, 2013

  • CHAPTER 6  -Originally posted September 5, 2009 - reposted April 21, 2013

  • CHAPTER 7 - Originally posted June 11, 2010 - reposted April 29, 2013

  • CHAPTER 8 - Originally posted November 9, 2010 - reposted June 3rd, 2013

  • CHAPTER 9 - Posted August 26, 2013

  • CHAPTER 10 - Posted September 26, 2013

  • CHAPTER 11 - Posted November 18, 2013

  • EPILOGUE - Posted December 31, 2013